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As a fleet owner and operator, it’s important to take the necessary steps to get the best bang for your buck. Many fleet owners already incorporate regular maintenance checks and oil changes to optimize fleet efficiency. However, the type of fuel you use — such as biodiesel or premium diesel — also plays a pivotal role in the way your fleet performs and, subsequently, your bottom line. 


Biodiesel is often used as a cleaner-burning substitute for traditional petroleum-based diesel, containing renewable components like vegetable oils and animal fats. It’s most commonly blended into a traditional petroleum-based diesel fuel, with blends like B5 (up to 5% biodiesel) and B20 (up to 20% biodiesel).

Biodiesel is cleaner burning than traditional #2 diesel fuel and also provides improved performance properties. Fleet owners using biodiesel blends can expect improved performance compared to traditional diesel fuels. Biodiesel helps engines run better because of naturally occurring enhanced cetane and lubricity properties in the product. As a result, engines ignite faster and cleaner. The lubricity provides wear protection to critical engine parts, helping to support and extend the life of your equipment.

Premium diesel

Premium diesel is often recommended for most fleets. Currently there are no specifications on the market that fuel manufacturers must meet in order to be classified as a premium diesel fuel. However, a typical premium diesel fuel may have a higher cetane number, increased lubricity and a variety of additives beyond the base fuel. The additives in premium diesel may include detergents, injection stabilizers, corrosion inhibitors, storage stabilizers and more. These additives come in varying combinations and concentrations, depending on the product.

Cenex® Roadmaster XL® premium diesel fuel includes a precision-blended formulation of high-performance additives to deliver the best premium diesel performance on the market.

  • Performance and power: These are critical to optimizing equipment and managing a successful operation. Both benefits are delivered with a more complete, terminally injected additive package that takes the guesswork out of fuel additives. The additives in Cenex Roadmaster XL work together to provide enhanced performance and increased power to fleet vehicles. In addition to improved performance, Cenex Roadmaster XL restores fuel economy up to 5 percent and reduces downtime. This means your fleet can remain on the road longer and operate more efficiently. 
  • Storage: The additive package in Cenex Roadmaster XL includes an advanced, aggressive detergency and a two-phase total water management system that work together to protect fuel while it’s stored in tanks. Storage stability is especially beneficial for fleet owners who have their own fueling operations, protecting fuel tanks from condensation and contaminants. With Cenex Roadmaster XL in your fuel tank, you can have confidence that your fuel will be clean when you need it most.
  • Optimized combustion: When evaluating fuel options, ensure that the comprehensive performance benefits of the additive package extend to optimized combustion and injector cleanliness. A complete fuel burn in an ultra-clean engine, as delivered by Cenex Roadmaster XL, prevents soot formation that leads to clogging of the diesel particulate filter (DPF). It’s critical that the DPF stays clean because once it clogs, it’s forced to regenerate and, consequently, your equipment will lose power and performance, potentially resulting in costly downtime. 

Partner with your local Cenex dealer

Your local Cenex dealer can help answer any of your biodiesel and premium diesel fuel questions to best optimize your fleet. They’re also a great resource for learning the best ways to store fuel and can help you optimize your fuel storage needs. Better yet, your dealer can assist you in discovering Cenex Roadmaster XL biodiesel blends (up to Cenex Roadmaster XL B20) for industry-leading performance with a biofuel advantage. As industry experts, Cenex representatives are eager to partner with you to give you all the tools you need to protect your equipment and enhance your business.

As always, If you’re not sure about the fuel specifications in your vehicle, check your owner’s manual before making your fuel decision.