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It’s often assumed that winter is the only season that’s taxing on fuel, but in reality, that couldn’t be further from the truth. With wet conditions in the spring and high temperatures in the summer, tough conditions year-round can put your fuel to the test. If you aren’t protecting your machines with a quality diesel fuel like Cenex® premium diesel, you could be leaving them vulnerable, no matter the season.

Here are three important reasons why using a premium diesel fuel matters all year long:

  1. Temperature fluctuations: As temperatures change from day to night, condensation can form on the outside of bulk fuel tanks. This is particularly true during the spring and fall as temperatures shift above and below freezing. As a result, water can seep into a bulk tank and contaminate the fuel inside. If that fuel makes it into a piece of equipment, the accompanying water can damage fuel filters and injectors and cause corrosion throughout your fuel line.
  2. Dirt and debris: Dirty, dusty conditions on the farm coupled with improper tank maintenance can put you at heightened risk for other forms of contamination like dirt and debris. If these contaminants infiltrate your equipment’s system, farm owners can run into issues, including poor engine performance and engine failure. As a result, farmers may be faced with unexpected downtime and costly repairs.
  3. Fuel breakdown: It’s not uncommon to run equipment less during the summer while crops are growing in the field. But if your machines are sitting idle, that means the fuel inside them is too. Over time, typical untreated diesel goes bad. So, if you use standard diesel during planting, there’s a chance it may no longer be good come harvest. Running your machines on compromised fuel can cause major damage to fuel pumps and filters, robbing your equipment of power and efficiency.

    When it comes to fuel quality, it’s easy to focus just on the winter. In the cold, issues like gelling create problems that are impossible to ignore. Issues that can occur the rest of the year may not always carry immediate impacts, but if left untended, they can grow into bigger problems that can emerge during peak seasons like harvest.

    The simplest way to protect your operation from fuel-related downtime is by using a premium diesel fuel year-round. The next generation of Cenex Ruby Fieldmaster® diesel fuel contains an industry-leading additive package that stands up to harsh conditions throughout planting, growing and harvest.

Key features of the newly enhanced formula include:

  1. Advanced detergency: Maintain a clean engine with an advanced, aggressive detergency package that’s now 40% more effective at breaking down harmful engine deposits and 2.5 times more effective at cleaning up injector deposits than our previous generation.
  2. Two-phase total water management system: Protect your engine from water-related issues with a two-phase total water management system that separates the gross majority of water from fuel, allowing it to settle to the bottom of the tank and then encapsulating any remaining negligible water molecules for safe passage through the combustion chamber. 
  3. Maximum filterability and improved biostability: Extend your fuel’s shelf life and keep your equipment free of contaminants with up to 20% improved biostability and up to 75% less filter blocking than a typical #2 diesel. 
  4. Enhanced power and fuel efficiency: Lower exhaust cylinder temperature fluctuations result in a more complete burn and efficient combustion, which leads to less soot production and fewer regenerations.

The newly enhanced Cenex Ruby Fieldmaster is an evolution, not a revolution, of its past formula. This means the fuel’s original key features haven’t gone away, but they’ve been enhanced to provide an even greater return on investment with greater power and efficiency to ensure your operation remains productive.

Talk to your local Cenex dealer to learn how Cenex premium diesel can keep your equipment going strong — no matter what time of year it is.